Tuesday, June 23, 2009

* Happy Birthdy to Me. Happy Birthday to Me *

Ahh, the birthday is upon us. Now, some of you might have already caught on, "Wait, Jeff! Your birthday is not until Sunday." As true as that may be, you have failed to recognize that I am engage to the most exciting woman on the planet. One day of fun just would not be enough for her so we began celebrating last Friday and will continue through my birthday this Sunday. I'll get photos and details posted a little later, but for now I just want to brag about how awesome my M&M is.

Friday we went to Knot's Berry Farm for lunch and fun with her office. That evening she took me to the Hollywood Bowl (truly just a magical place to be) to see Josh Groban perform and be inducted into the Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame along with others that night.

Where as we left home around 10am Friday and did not get back until 1:30am, we slept in Saturday and then went off to the beach for a picnic and an hour and a half of boogie boarding (She bought us boogie boards for one of my presents). Exhausted, we concluded the evening with "Marley and Me." and "That Funny Feeling" with Sandra Dee and Bobby Darrin.

On Sunday I got a sweet tie (appropriate since it was also Father's Day) and we spent much of the evening with friends for dinner, games and dessert.

Monday was a little low key also, I got a whole bag of M&M's to hold me over during Thursday and Friday that my M&M will be out of town. She's a traveling woman now... Well, a about an hour car drive away when she does g other campuses.

And today Tuesday? Well, we'll just have to wait and see...

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